SNU Gwanak Arboretum
Education & Management Building Construction
서울대학교 관악수목원 교육관리동 신축공사
Making a Contemporary Autogenous
Vernacular Architecture
The “SNU Gwanak Arboretum” hopes to function beyond a center for research, preservation, and exhibition of South Korea’s native plants in the South Scientific Forest. The center encompasses spatial qualities that work according to nature like a tree that is native to the site. Likewise, the center positions itself on the site as if its roots are naturally borne from the site. Qualities such as sunlight and raindrops are felt and heard by the users within the center, allowing users to interact and connect with the neighboring site.
Site Area
Floor Area
Building Area
Building Size
Building Height
Finish Material
Design Team
Physical Model
: Education & Management Building
: 2014. 10 ~ 2016. 01 (Design)
: 2016. 04 ~ 2017. 11 (Construction)
: San 16-1, Anyangdong, Anyang-Si, Korea
: 2,252.40 sqm
: 1,162.49 sqm
: 900.52 sqm
: RC (Basement Level)
Wooden Framed Structure (1st, 2nd Floor)
: B1, 2F
: 12.30m
: Wood Siding, Recycled Brick Cladding,
THK24 Low-E Double Pane Glass,
Galvanized Steel Sheet Roof
: Zo Hangman, Im Jonghoon (SNU)
: bi.WON Architects
: Jeong Yeonjoong, So Youjeong,
Kang Wonki (SNU)
Architecture as Space, Architecture as Product